Highly stable die-cast aluminum alloy chassis for the tape transport, the headblock, and other assemblies. The new design extends the possible tape capacity and allows operation with 1000m standard tape.
■ Hall-commutated brushless DC capstan motor with capacitative tacho sensor for highly accurate tape speed and outstanding acceleration and deceleration rates.
■ Fast tape deck with high tape spooling speeds and gentle processing of the tapes by electronically controlled tape tension, 2 controlled AC spooling motors with photoelectric tacho sensors and noncontacting tape tension sensor.
■ Precision electronic tape counter with real-time indication. Photoelectric scanning of the guide roller rotation.
■ Easy editing: motor-assisted with variable spooling speed (SHUTTLE mode) or manually by turning the right-hand reel (one-handed editing). For cueing in spooling mode, the high end of the frequency response is lowered.
■ Monitor speaker below the tape deck cover or in the penthouse.
■ Manually operable shield above the reproduce head; can remain closed in spooling mode.